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 đź‘‰climate change, pests and diseases, production and quality, adaptation to modern planting systems


Olive Varieties 

and 1000 Wild genotypes in-depth genetic characterisation  


Mobile Apps and 1 Platform

👉 using Artificial Intelligence (AI)
👉 user-friendly interface to make genetic resources much more accessible

GoCitrus Research Project 

Use of modern bio-analytical methods in the rescue and utilization of Greek citrus varieties



ELGO - Demeter | Institute of Olives, Subtropical Plants and Vines

ELGO - Demeter | Institute of Genetic Improvement and Phytogenetic Resources

ELGO - Demeter | Institute of Soil Resources
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | School of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment - Department of Agriculture - Arboriculture Laboratory

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | School of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment - Department of Forestry - Laboratory of Forest Genetics and Genetic Improvement

Hellenic Plants

Vitsios Nurseries 

Creta Taste S.A. 



Finding, rescue, evaluation and phenotypic characterization of Greek citrus varieties

Control of phytosanitary, the creation of candidate Probasic material of indigenous citrus varieties and the enrichment of the existing citrus collections

The determination of qualitative, biochemical and metabolic characteristics of the Greek citrus varieties, with emphasis on the identification of bio-active ingredients

The molecular genetic characterization, the complete sequencing of the genome of the native varieties (Whole Genome Sequencing), the development of borderline functional markers, the execution of genomic and epigenetic analyzes that will contribute to the identification and the emergence of the most characteristic Greek varieties.

The utilization of the native citrus genetic material for the creation of new improved varieties acclimatized in the Greek conditions

GreekCert – Certified Trees

Creation of pre-basic, basic and certified mother plantations of olive, citrus and fig species. 



ELGO - Demeter | Institute of Olives, Subtropical Plants and Vines

BENAKI Phytopathological Institute (BPI)

Agricultural University of Athens (AUA)

Greek Union of Nurseries (EFE)

Hellenic Plants 

Pagkalos Nurseries 

Olive Co-operative Kavousiou

National Interprofessional Organization for Table Olives (DOEPEL)

Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche- Istituto Per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante” (CNR-IPSP)

AgroDevelopment - Platis Michael 



The creation of an integrated production chain of propagating material, specifically of olive, citrus and fig seedlings, in order to ensure their traceability, varietal authenticity and plant health, is the aim of the "GreekCert" project. 

For the first time in Greece, infrastructure will be created for an integrated production chain of certified propagating material.

Based on the existing mother plantations of the official conservator of plant varieties (EL.GO.), the first candidate pre-basic plantations will be created for the most important Greek varieties (olives, citrus fruits and figs).

Then mother plants will be created in the nurseries and finally certified plantations. The maximum activation of the beneficiaries and the dissemination of the results will be carried out by the national bodies, EFE and the National DOEPEL, while key Greek olive varieties will be evaluated for resistance to the most damaging quarantine pathogen, Xylella at the CNR-IPSP which is an international point reference in the specific field.



For more information, please visit the webpage: 

A few words


High quality products ensurance.
We produce plants for three decades and our criteria for the varieties’ selection are the quality characteristics of the products that the current market requires, and their adaptability to different microclimates. We are strongly committed to the creation of healthy and productive plant propagating material.
At the same time, via research we continuously enrich our production with new varieties and products.


Creating modern contemporary orchards, demands research and design, which is mostly based on the selection of suitable plant material, in which the development and the future of the tree cultivation is depended on.

Every cultivator should initially determine the species and the purpose of the cultivation, he should apply new modern cultivation methods, he should carefully select the propagating material he will use, which must meet the appropriate phytosanitary requirements, which determines the quality of the final end product. 

Consulting Services

We can share a complete study of your cultivation, from the first stages of cultivation, until the trees reach foul productivity, through a team of scientists and experts, specialized for every part of agriculture.



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